Exclusive Streaming: Mørkt Kapittel – Gro Igjen


Norrmännen återkommer, som vanligt. Denna gång ett band vid namn Mørkt Kapittel, som är relativt nya inom hardcore punk-scenen i Norge, då de tidigare endast släppt ett självbetitlad sjua. Däremot, om man ser till deras livslängd, så har de funnits sedan 2007. Tidigare har även medlemmar från bandet spelat i band som Vi Gruer Oss, Dominic, Vanskapt, Evasion, Catena Collapse och The Last Ninja. De huserar i Trondheim, och deras ihärdiga melodier samt fasansfyllda framtoning – är två beståndsdelar som lär sätta det mesta i rullning. Förutom detta, så huserar de även inom Skandinavisk d-beat, något som skandinaverna inte varit sena på att mästra. De är även mer mångfacetterade än så, men resten får ni utforska själva, helt enkelt. Hur som helst, let’s get down to business, som man säger i staterna.


Invisible Guy har fått äran att streama hela deras kommande EP, som går under namnet “Gro Igjen“, här på bloggen. Det är en 12¨:a, vars omslag har skapats av Ingri Hareldsen. Själva EP:n kommer med utvikningsomslag. Allting har skapats via D.I.Y-vägen, och vinylskivan kommer att finnas i färgen; exklusivt vit. Nåväl, vid det här laget har ni väl tröttnat på att läsa, så jag erbjuder er en exklusiv streaming av EP:n här nedanför. För den som känner sig manad, så släpps albumet den 31:a Maj, av dom själva – så ni kan förbeställa på deras hemsida. Men för den som bor i Norge kan den även återfinnas hos välsorterade skivbutiker i Trondheim, bland annat.

Premiär: Sisillisko är de nya herrarna på täppan!


Eller så är de åtminstone ett helt nytt band, som är sprungna ur Stockholmsjorden. Sisilisko betyder indirekt “ödlornas natt“, vilket är taget från de finska orden “sisiliskojen yö“. Rent symboliskt så kommer denna yttring från natten till Söndag och Måndag, då vi aldrig fastnar i djupsömn utan landar mellan två sömnstadier. Där detta ger upphov till svettighet, märkliga drömmar och där man när ett gravt annorlunda tillstånd. Ni vet säkert vilket, men det kan yttra sig i olika former. Med andra ord så vill de pricka in det som sällan ställs i mittpunkten av tillvaron, eller ens det som där läggs någon uppmärksamhet vid. I karga vrår, i medvetandes ytterkanter, dit dagsljuset strålar inte når. Bandet består utav Albin Boman och Peter Engkvist, och deras debut-singel som de nyligen släppt, som går under namnet “To Die / Under Your Skin” – spelades in i en lokal i ett industriområde, i samkväm med teknikern och producenten Martin Nilsson. Den som spelar trummor är Jakob Enlund, och utöver det så har de haft medhjälparna Veronica Blom, som skötte det grafiska och Anni Alm som stod för fotograferandet.

Nåväl, ni har läst länge nog. Nu är det dags för er att kasta er in i en doominpyrd kaskad av otippad amerikansk folkmusik, i en mäktig treenighet med black metal. Lyssna här nedan.

Premiär: eluna – Fågelmåsen är Stor Nu [Musikvideo]

Zeon Light Kassett håller på att göra iordning ett sprillans nytt släpp, vilket kommer att göra alla popfantaster som är elektroniskt lagda, riktigt nöjda. Men även de som strävar efter lite akustiskt i tillvaron. Artisten eluna kommer alltså att släppa fyra låtar, som går under det kollektiva namnet av “drömmar och andra fobier“. Dock är det inte därför vi är här, utan för att Invisible Guy fått äran att lägga manken till och ge er en musikvideo-premiär. Joakim Granlund, som är skivbolagsbossen, har skapat en musikvideo till låten “Fågelmåsen är Stor Nu” från det kommande släppet vi nyss pratade om. Nu kommer ni nog att prata lite till, men titta för guds skull till musikvideon. Förresten, detta är en pophistoria i fyra delar, så håll ögonen öppna inför landningen nästa vecka, då kassetten släpps.

Premiere: The Shifting Sands – Let’s Go Down [Music Video]

Yes, it’s true. Our favorites from New Zealand are back. It’s animated by Veronica Brett again, and these psychedelic pop vibes won’t go away in the turn of a cheek. They’re a part of the micro independent label Fishrider Records. This particular song, titled “Let’s Go Down“, is their third single from their debut-album “Feel“. So check it out and watch it slowly unfurl, as you delve deep into the minds of these people. Or at least their picturesque representation of the song at hand in a fine animation.

Psychlight: Deep Space – Evil Dreams


Quantum physics? Not exactly. Rather an exploration into our widely unknown universe, in which we’re a tiny fragment of cells in comparison. The band Deep Space are searching with heart and soul, aided with psychedelia and drug-induced hallucinations, the key to the universe and our existence. In their new album “Evil Dreams“, they embark upon a trip that is both callous, but also virtually frictionless and smooth. Inject some of their ambitious adventurousness, in combination with riffs that strike a nice resemblance with their roots, in an overlaying reverberated sphere of musical landscapes. It feels like what you hear is filtered through their influences, which is constantly propped up with Pavlovian reactions that assemble an atmosphere you could only dream of in a harsh, but lucid environment. This is dedication in its purest form. Not to mention their soft-outspokenness, amidst all their psyched out rock’n’roll, which actually helps to make everything more understandable. Because they’re more focused on the general picture, which they aim to deliver to the listener, rather than taking a side. The singer becomes a narrator, as he acts like a guide throughout the music which is constantly present. Like a puppet master, it feels like the atmosphere varies in tone and general abstractness whilst he gets his messages out. Sometimes the rock’n’roll side of things takes over completely, which makes this ensemble feel like they’re rocking it out on some obscure planet. Bring back everything from the past, but make sure you’ll still contain the energy and originality yourselves, because that’s what Deep Space are doing on this release. It feels like these songs could be listened to forever, and ever. This release will be available in physical form on the 2nd of July, as a cassette limited to 175 copies, which will include a “secret” bonus track.

Spotlight: Strangeweather – Like Shadows In Grey Rivers


This is one of those bands that have put in a lot of energy into their recordings, without expecting anything for it. Sadly enough, not many people are appreciative of that fact, but more people should be. Strangeweather from Portland are unique in every kind of way possible. It’s one of those bands that have a lot of things going at the same time, crossing through genres, no matter how steep it might be. Yesterday, they released their first album “Like Shadows In Grey Rivers“. Which is an ambitious project of sullen eyes, swollen chamber punk and interesting elements forged together in a mass. You feel like you’re in a seance, together with the band. In other words, they’re not short on emotions, which they’re displaying throughout a darkwave-inspired, underlying tone, covered in post-punk grittiness. Their sound switch and twirl, which makes you realize that you can’t hold on to anything while trying to define what it might be. Even though the tone of the album has an overlying gloom-pop sound with anarcho vibes, mostly lyrically, the rest of the influences are having a go at it whilst the brain tries to rationalize. The weird sense of nothingness, the hopeful spark that lights the match, a coagulated sound of pre-dark cabaret – fitted to be nothing short of inspiring and awe-inducing. Those sweet and utmost angelic voices on display, that play on your heartstrings are here to stay, whether you want it or not. One of the questions that remain in the end are how you get such a grand sound, even though you’re semi-acoustic? Maybe that’s a question that shouldn’t be answered, but rather kept a secret. This is an outright amazing and flawless release, which really puts everything into perspective. You’ll enjoy this, whether you’re into folk, punk, anarcho-folk, chamber punk or whatever. So give them a dime for their effort, because it is well-deserved. Their album was released on the 23rd of May, by themselves in a total D.I.Y. fashion.

RA release a music-video for their new song!


The Swedish public service program PSL have premiered a music-video which is something out of the ordinary. Maybe not the video itself, but certainly the music. A band called RA, which have been unknown to me have re-surfaced once again, since they released two demo songs in 2012, which had apparently been widely appreciated. They’ve been compared to the legend that are Bauhaus, but at the same time, they’re a lot more psychedelic and a bit more rock noir than gothic, per se, with large hints of equally as great post-punk. Their latest song “Bloodline“, is a single taken from their forthcoming release “Bloodline EP“, that’ll be released in the “early summer” on Double Sun Recordings.

This particular song is a stark reminder of what Sweden is sorely lacking, whereas I’m glad to announce that the ‘need’ and lack of this kind of music, has been covered by this wonderful band – in a wonderfully extravagant manner. Everything from the widely psychoactive and decadent music-video, to the lyrics in the song and the arrangements – can be considered to be flawless. Yet they’re dirty and fruitful enough to not frame themselves as an overproduced monstrosity.

They’re also going to be the supporting act when Peter Murphy comes to Malmö, performing Bauhaus material and celebrating 35 years of Bauhaus. Which is going to be on the 9th of June. Since there seems to be a little bit of a problem with the embedding, you can watch their music-video (in Sweden) by following this link.

Spotlight: DKA Records 001 – Dylan Ettinger / Golden Dust!


DKA Records is a collective of people adhering to the magnificent electronica (and non-electronic) music, that can be fitted within the virtual entanglement of sub-genres, with everything from synth-pop, to post-punk and industrial. Celebrating both classic, new and rare releases. Besides that, they’re also keen on throwing club nights and concerts. These musicians and DJ’s, consisting of the following group of people: Featureless Ghost, Tifaret, Anticipation, Technoir, High Marks, Hunger, Cc, Claire, Twins, Warning Light, Fit of Body and many more.


They’ve currently released DKA001, which is their first release on the label. Featuring the son of Bloomington, namely Dylan Ettinger. Whom delivers a crescent current of the most malefic, but grandiose synth-pop that you’ve ever heard. But also a softer side, which is dedicated to the group Goldendust – a minimalistic but melodic synth-pop duo from Iowa. Loose yourself with these two, as they’re both on the same 7¨ which can be bought from DKA Records for five dollars + shipping, if you’d find it to be something for you. Which it will surely be, since it’s got both sides represented. Listen to the track “The Pale Mare” by Dylan Ettinger down below, which is a track featured on the A-Side.

Liten intervju med Vanligt Folk!


Vanligt Folk är en grupp från Göteborg som tidigare har varit aktiva i många olika band inom en hel del olika genrer. Eftersom att människor i princip redan vet att de varit aktiva i band tidigare, så kanske det inte skadar att inviga de nytillkomna. Gruppen består utav David Sundquist, som bland annat varit aktiv i C. Armeé, soloprojektet The Kick och även Kitty  & The K – tillsammans med Kitty Jutbring. Sedan så återfinns även Andreas Carlsson och Jonas Abrahamsson i gruppen, vilket gör trion till en glödhet EBM/Pop-ensemble. Alla har erfarenhet av att vara med i ett band tidigare, eller en grupp för den delen. Vilket gör musikprojektet ännu mer spännande. Jag fick tag på David från gruppen och ställde några frågor om gruppen, synen på musik i allmänhet och mycket mer. Denna gång en liten intervju.

Continue reading

Americalight: Cathedral Pearls – Off My Chain


Americana, is a word that can be stated to be an resemblance of this band. Probably not as much when it comes to their music, but they’re from that continent on the other side of the world. The band I’m talking about is Cathedral Pearls, whom are from Spokane. They’ve released their debut-album “Off My Chain“, which is a sincere trip in between folk and indie, with hints of new wave. All with a spiraling experimental vein, but with a spoon, as they’re simply cooking the drug – inserting it when they say go. Most of the music revolve around both instrumentals, but a high stake in their bet is their vocalists, which consists of an equal part of women and a single man. With their voices, they sure overshadow their instrumentals, as there’s only some parts in the songs that reflect their ingenious bet. Unfortunately, the music itself is guided into a folly of generic. That ultimately destroys the symbiosis of what’s unique with the music at hands, which is a shame to be honest. But you always have something to pluck out and consider to be great. Once a medley of voices comes on, your brain simply catches its breath and you make a sigh of total relief. The atmosphere of the songs are very American, they have that certain aura which you can sense with your ears. You pick up the different characteristics which make it American. A well-polished sound-scape, their dialects of course and the general feeling can be related to folk songs from that part of the world. This is also one of their nemesis, which needs to be eluded. There’s some amount of cheesiness between the layers, but that doesn’t really matter in the end. The overall picturesque music that they deliver are considerably gentle, sincere and enacted with a great amount of precision. With that in mind, we might just set out for the sun. Their release feature eight songs, which have been hastily recorded, and were released on the 14th of May.