Exclusive Premiere: David Bremer – Hotel Solitude

David Bremer - Paradise Refuted - Slipcase

An homage to the solitary lifestyle of the “global” musician or DJ? An ode to all the nights spent thinking about what could’ve been done better, where one should’ve been otherwise? The titles of the tracks suggests so.

David Bremer is surprisingly vivid musically for a first time listener and experienced field recordings listener, there’s a coating of overwhelming ambient music that drives the point home musically in tracks that are unusually short for these kinds of genres – in “Paradise Refuted” – his first “proper” release in years, on Fang Bomb.

David Bremer - Paradise Refuted - Cover

The music itself is unsettling and doesn’t paint the picture of globalism in a positive light, it is like modern architecture – something that should be in the scrapyard of the past. A brutalistic take musically as if derived directly from the style of architecture itself, depressive, nihilistic, hollow – three words we find describe it the best. Don’t forget to strap in, as there’s a hint of hope beneath the layers upon layers of destructiveness – a glimmer of light that seeps through the cracks.

We’re just waiting to be at that end station where everything suddenly shines, or when the rain finally pours down a warm summer night – like the nights we’ve had before, at least here in Sweden, not too long ago. The sudden realization that everything can be over in a snap, the realization that months of agony have finally come to a halt. There are many emotions that overwhelm you when listening to “Paradise Refuted“.

Some people would just consider it to be background noise, but there’s a lot going on that you have to have a keen ear to be susceptible to, it is like your inner mind getting rid of every noisy encounter you’ve had throughout the day – every meaningless thought that have gone, a relocation of your soul into the music and the soul restored in yourself.

You can listen to the track “Solitude Hotel” exclusively here on Repartiseraren, purchase the cassette whose official release-date was today on the 29th of August.